About Us
Seafavorites.com . . .
is an outdoor stock photography business featuring images of marine, saltwater and freshwater wildlife, as well as many related outdoor activities (boating, diving, fishing, tackle preparation, etc). All of these images are available for licensed, rights-managed, non-exclusive use in editorial and commercial formats including (but not limited to): advertising, brochures, books, CD-ROMs, documentaries, magazines, movies, museum exhibitions, posters, products, reports, science books, television, textbooks, trade books, trade shows, video, web-based media and other commercial projects.
Here's a little background behind the photos and writing:
Here are some of my recent efforts while working at Florida Sportsman magazine. I shot the magazine covers on various locations. I was also editor/sometimes writer/mostly photographer for these FS series books, written by various authors around Florida. Thanks should go to Drew Wickstrom, art director, for the long days and nights making these books happen, one page at a time.